Scientists seek 'super-soldiers' formula

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This was published 18 years ago

Scientists seek 'super-soldiers' formula

The Pentagon has launched a series of remarkable medical experiments to find a way to keep its soldiers and pilots awake and alert for up to five days at a time.

The mission to create an "Extended Performance War Fighter", as the project is known, took on added urgency last week as the military use of amphetamine stimulants - "go pills" as they are called - was plunged into deep controversy.

The defence lawyers for two American pilots who accidentally killed four Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan last April said they would argue that the forcible use of the drug dexamphetamine was to blame. Majors Harry Schmidt and William Umbach are threatened with courts martial for dropping a laser-guided bomb on the Canadians near Kandahar as the pilots approached the end of a six-hour night patrol.

David Beck, the lawyer for Major Umbach, said he would argue that the drugs impaired the pilots' judgment and that the US Air Force should accept responsibility. Major Schmidt has said that he flew seven 10-hour missions during his several weeks in the region and used the "go pills" each time because he became too tired without them.

The Pentagon's search for an "Extended Performance War Fighter" concentrates on employing advanced genetics and neurological science to keep warriors awake and alert.


Jan Walker, the spokesman for the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency, which conceived "stealth" technology, confirmed the Pentagon was "working out ways to resist the effects of sleep deprivation. If our fighters can do that, we can fundamentally change the order of battle".

One of the agency's plans for keeping warriors awake is to "zap" their brains with electromagnetic energy. Much of the research is being conducted at Columbia University in New York, in the laboratories of the neurological science department.

Researchers have identified a small area of the brain above the left ear that they would zap either before or during missions. "When he needed it, the pilot could just be zapped during operations," said one leading research scientist.

The first research contracts for the program were handed out at the beginning of last year.

Other projects include work at the University of Wisconsin, where researchers are probing the brains of the white-crowned sparrow, a tiny song bird that migrates between Alaska and California.

Even when the birds are kept in cages, they become restless and will not sleep for a week during the migration season. The researchers are comparing their brains with those of a close avian cousin which does not migrate.

Meanwhile, biologists at the US Navy's Marine Mammals Program, which once trained dolphins to place mines against the hulls of enemy ships, is now studying how the animals keep part of their brains awake so that even when submerged and asleep they still surface to breathe.

Mothers and newborn dolphins have also been found to stay awake continuously for several days after birth.

The idea now is to identify the gene that allows this. Genetic codes could then be modified to create soldiers who run and run.

- Telegraph

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